Haieeta - Stoners give all the right answers!
The title is true, I swear! I am one to know! Stoner rockers Haieeta just released their album MVEMJUNS(P) (check out the explanation!) and received a Metalrage.com questionnaire. After a lot of hassle with failing computers and one busy ass reviewer, check out the results below! I, for one, think they totally aced all questions. If you don't own the alltime favorites mentioned, go and be really really ashamed and then go pick them up...while at it, pick up a copy of MVEMJUNS(P) as well....
For those who never heard of Haieeta, please introduce yourselves and the band to our readers.
"David Prunty-Guitar
Donal Devine-Vocals
Briain O’ Lionnain-Bass/Vocals
Niall O’ Reilly-Drums/Percussion
Colm O’ Rourke-Guitar"
How can you best describe your music?
"Haieeta’s music can be best described as heavy and groovy and at times darkly atmospheric. It is the sound of five like minded individuals jamming in a small, smoke filled room until the drink runs out."
How long did it take to make the album, from concept to CD?
"Some of the songs were close to a year old when we recorded them, so by the time the mixing and packaging was done it was a little over a year."
Where does the name for the band come from?
"The name Haieeta comes from a phoenetical play on vowels that means something different to everyone. It came from Haieeta’s collective love of linguistics."
Where does the name for the album come from?
"The name of the album, MVEMJUNS(P), comes from the first letter of the planets from the sun out. Pluto is in brackets as on the 24th of august 2006 it was declassified as a planet.To us it is still a planet."
Any plans for an upcoming tour?
"We hope to get to England and mainland Europe next summer all going well. Any gigs going in the Netherlands?!!"
What gear do you guys use? (Amps, drumkit, guitars)
"7.We use a wide variety of gear but on this recording we used the following
Guitars:Gibson SG,Gretsch PowerJet,Aria custom
Amps:Various Marshall valve heads,new and vintage,Ampeg
Drums:Pearl ,Zildjian cymbals"

Did you choose this gear on purpose?
"Yes we chose this gear on purpose. For example some of the guitar heads used on the recording would only be used in a studio situation as they are too old to gig with."
Stones or Beatles?
"Six of one, half a dozen of the other!"
Queens of the Stone Age or Mondo Generator?
"Queens Of The Stone Age, unquestionably."
What bands did you grow up with?
"Kyuss, Metallica, Slayer, Sepultura, Monster Magnet, Clutch, Led Zepplin, AC/DC to name a few."
What bands are you really into now?
"Tool, Mastodon, Melvins, High On Fire…"
What are your all-time favorite albums?
"Kyuss-Sky Valley
Metallica-Master of Puppets
Alice in Chains-Dirt
Top 5 bands/albums our readers should have at home?
Kyuss-Blues For The Red Sun
Monster Magnet-Dopes To Infinity
Queens Of The Stone Age-Rated R
Sleep –Jerusalem
Masters Of Reality-Sunrise On The Sufferbus
Ministry-Rio Grande Blood"
What does Haieeta hold for us in the future?
"We aim to keep making music for ourselves in our small, smoke filled room only venturing out to record and to play gigs whenever and wherever we can."
Anything you guys want to add?
"Thanks for the interview."

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